Saturday, June 18, 2011

Alone at home for the week T T

Damnn Longgg Laooo!! Never post anything at blog.. Not free & got alot of things happen.
This week alone at home.. Damn bored! All day use com everything is cover up, damn fucking bored sia!
Wish to meet her but cant... Haiss.. Sian.. Shirley damn joke! Scary of cockroach in her house dont dare to go outside for the whole day!^^
This few days alone at home i learn somethings news number 1: when at night this house there is wired noisy but i think was the wind.. number 2: I suck at being alone! i miss everyone and of cos she dont know why miss her so much.. Message her everyday when i am here.. Today dont feel like it because of last night she ask me " u really wan to be tgt with me?"
I did not know what to say.. i wan to.. but after everything tht happen and everyone tell me "she is not the one" " Come on after what happen, u still like her??" And many more..
All bad comment.. But still i still love her..What a Stupid ass i am!  Guess what! After i send her my answer, i ask her the same question her answer was " i dont wan history to replay again."
I was WTF! so is dont wan to be tgt with me anymore right? or what? Then she reply " i still wan la! but i dont wan history to happen again."
OH... I was happy for awhile but after a few messages she say abt my friends " She say they bad mouth her" i was feeling sad because everything was becasue of me tht why they bad mouth her and some other reason..
I wan to be with her but my friends and her friends... Hais.. Fuck up la! If we patch back, hell will break lose!
Why must a relationship have so much thing happening.. Hais.. Fast school reopen la!