Monday, January 3, 2011

No!!! Scool reopen lao!!

Is be awhile since i post somethings.......
No time at all-,-
Sian Ah!!! Tomr school reopen lao T.T
2 months of  Holiday  feel like 2 week.....
just hope tht this year will be better than last year....
Because really alot of things happen last 2 months.....
Most of them are bad things......
Hais.... "Forget abt the past and look forward" tht what i always say to heart break women
Now i am using this sentence for myself.... LOL!
And i also wish my sister "Gladys" have a better year and also forget abt the past and look forward^^
Need my help or anything i will be there for u^_^

Tht all untill next time^^


  1. Ur meimei here^^
    thx kor!!:)
    hope that 2011 will also be a better year for u~~~
    and rmb that i will always be here for u too=)
    I "HATE" U~~ <3

  2. ohhhh......
    after all i say u still hate me....
    i know what to do....

  3. Aiya~~ dun like that la...
    u know what it means truely la...
    I "HATE" U = I LOVE U!!^^

  4. I know la.....
    Just playing with u^^
