Thursday, January 6, 2011

The School Rule Is Not The Only Things Tht Suck!

Nothings to post today......
Just say tht the school rules is not the only things tht SUCK!!
The school food there also suck! everythings taste like the same lor-,-
Why this year my school Suck!! THE RULES, THE TEACHERS, THE FOODS
Hais....... Hope it get better lor....

Until next time....


  1. hey kor...
    cheer up!!^^

    even though i agree with u abt the sucky yr this yr is...

    but life still have to go on...

    so no point getting so upset abt this kind of F up stuff...

    this will not make u happy or anything...

    so jus forget abt it...

    plus only one more yr to go before saying bb to that F up sch of urs mah^^

  2. Thanks^^
    I know what to do lor.....
    I "hate" u^^

  3. I SUPER "HATE" U TOO!!^^
