Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Now School Suck!!!

After two days of school..... i start to hate school lao-,-
All the new rules suck man!!!>.<
Cant use hp, cant eat in class, cant wear class T .....
It feel like in jail lao, no school have so many rules wan le.....
The DM say my hair after two weeks must cut again 0,0
What!! tht mean every two weeks must cut my hair again!!
No money la!! If u ask ppl from other school got this so many rules anot......
i bet my whole life saving tht no other school have this rule lor.....
And every monday check hair and school unfrom, next year no one will come this school lao.....

My School Suck!!!!
Now My Maths teacher suck also!!
Never listen to anyone in class just teachteach no one will listen to him lor.....
Lucky there is Mr Ng he is a good teacher.... tht what i hear.....
hope tht this year will get better soon lor...
If not i will hate it!!!!

Untill next time....

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